The National Alliance for Eating Disorders (formerly The Alliance for Eating Disorders Awareness) currently offers two (2) full-time positions to students from a regionally accredited institution of higher education or APA provisional or fully accredited doctoral psychology programs whose interests coincide with The Alliance’s training opportunities. Completion of all requirements for appropriate doctoral education and training in health service psychology (clinical, counseling, developmental, and school) or appropriate re-specialization along with the successful completion of an appropriate internship is required before the fellowship start date.

The program seeks applicants with a sound clinical knowledge base and the personal characteristics necessary to function well in the program setting. Applicants should be familiar with pertinent areas of psychology including theories of personality and personality disorders, processes of therapy and different modalities of therapy, psychological assessment, and physiology of behavior. Prior experience with psychotherapy and psychological assessment under supervision is expected. Experience with eating disorders is helpful.

For more information about the fellowship, please download the brochure HERE.

Application Materials

  • Cover letter (Including interest in eating disorders and why this program meets your needs/interests)
  • Curriculum Vita
  • Three (3) letters of recommendation from clinical supervisors sent under separate cover to
  • Official Transcripts
  • Completed Fellowship application
  • Verification and Eligibility of Readiness Letter from internship training director
  • Letter from the director of graduate program stipulating that, by the start date of the Postdoctoral Fellowship Program, they have completed all requirements for their doctorate and will graduate
  • Written work sample completed in the last 2 years, preferably during internship.

Training Program Provided

The Alliance Postdoctoral Fellowship is a unique program that offers students, who have completed their graduate education and pre-doctoral psychology internship, the opportunity to work with individuals with eating disorders. Outpatient postdoctoral fellows will work with adults and families who are dealing with Anorexia Nervosa (AN), Bulimia Nervosa (BN), Binge Eating Disorder (BED), Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID), Other Specified Feeding or Eating Disorders (OSFED); which includes subclinical eating disorders and atypical eating disorders (e.g., exercise bulimia, purging disorder etc.). The program offers training for the conditions that are seen in patients co-occurring with eating disorders, including, but not limited to, substance abuse/dependence, trauma, personality disorders, anxiety disorders, mood disorders which contribute to the existence of the eating behaviors.

Postdoctoral fellows will be involved in individual therapy, family therapy, group therapy, support groups, didactics, and working with a multidisciplinary team. Postdoctoral fellows will also provide presentations in the community to professionals and community members. Postdoctoral fellows will supervise practicum students and non-clinical interns as well.

Training Philosophy and Model

In accordance with the Academy for Eating Disorders (AED), evidence based medicine should be applied resulting in a strong research-practice integration in the field of eating disorders. To this end, the latest research will be addressed in treatment decision making.

The training program uses a practitioner-scholar model with training being sequential, cumulative, and graded in complexity. It is important that training be based on development of competencies. The fellow will begin at their individual competency and comfort level and take on more responsibility as they are able to revise schedules as the needs of the fellow changes. They will be expected to perform with increasing autonomy using increasingly complex skills, critical thinking, and skillful reflection with confidence as the year progresses. Fellows may expect a collegial atmosphere with quality supervision and mentorship.


Applications will not be viewed until all materials are in. Completed applications will be reviewed by the Clinical Director of The Alliance and the Selection Committee. Application reviews will include verification of program requirements and evaluation of applicant quality and fit for the program. Prior clinical experience will impact on fit for the program.

Candidates who are highest ranked will be contacted to set up in-person interviews. We will contact all those who will be asked to interview by January 15 of each selection year (usually the Monday prior). Although in-person interviews are preferred, candidates who are unable to attend an in-person interview will be interviewed by Skype, Zoom, FaceTime, or phone by the selection committee.

Applicants coming to The Alliance for in-person interviews are asked to either bring a photo or have their photograph taken at The Alliance. The photos are used to help Alliance staff correctly remember and identify each applicant. Photos are not used in any evaluative manner. Applicants may refuse to be photographed, and this decision will in no way be counted against them.

Interviews entail a full day experience involving interviews and attending a support group, as well as witnessing a presentation by Alliance Staff (if available). The first part of the interview day involves a 60-minute group interview with approximately four applicants. During the group interview, the selection committee (Alliance staff members) provide the candidates with a description of the important features of the Fellowship program. In addition, the group interview allows for the selection committee to evaluate all applicants through a series of structured and unstructured interview questions. Following the group interview, each applicant meets for a 60 minute individual interview with clinical members of the selection committee. During these individual interviews, applicants are questioned in more detail about their clinical experiences and skills. During these interviews, the applicants are also able to ask the interviewers questions about the program. After the individual interviews, the applicant has the opportunity to meet with current fellows to ask questions and to learn about the fellowship in a more informal manner. Current fellows also provide the candidates with a tour of the facility.

Candidates being interviewed by phone or Skype/Zoom are interviewed for approximately 45 minutes by two or three staff members. The interviewers provide the applicant with a description of the important features of the Fellowship program and also ask detailed questions about the applicant’s clinical experiences and skills. Applicants participating in this alternative interview process do not have the opportunity to participate in the group interview format with other applicants.

After applicant interviews, the selection committee meets to discuss impressions and evaluations of the candidates based on both the group and individual interviews. Candidates are evaluated after each session and then again at the conclusion of all interviews. Final rankings are based on a combination of data provided in candidates’ application materials and their interview performance. In accordance with state and federal law, and policy, The Alliance will not discriminate against an applicant because of race, color, religion, gender, age, sexual orientation, national origin, socioeconomic status, disability, or veteran status.


Our selection criteria are based on a “goodness–of–fit” with our practitioner-scholar model, and we look for fellows whose training goals match the training we offer. The program looks not only at the total number of practicum hours, but the quality of training in terms of the type of setting, as well as experience with empirically-supported treatments. We prefer fellows who have training and experience in working with children, adolescents, and adults in an outpatient setting; however, we will consider candidates with gaps in this training who show an eagerness to learn and particular promise based on letters of recommendation, compelling essays, and strong interviews. Applicants from programs in clinical and counseling are preferred; however, those from school and developmental psychology programs may be considered.

To Apply

CLICK HERE to apply for the fellowship online.  Although online applications are preferred, you are also welcome to complete a PDF application.  CLICK HERE  to download the application and once completed submit to Dr. Joann  Hendelman, Clinical Director, at  or via mail to 4400 North Congress Avenue Suite 100, West Palm Beach, FL 33407.  Please call 866-662-1235 with any questions.