Millie Plotkin, MLS, FAED

January 16, 2025

Millie Plotkin, MLS, FAED (she/her) is known as the “eating disorders librarian”. After earning her Masters of Library Science from Catholic University in Washington, DC, Milie worked at the National Library of Medicine and National Institutes of Health Library. She was informationist (a specialized medical librarian) for Eating Recovery Center from 2013-2023. In 2021, she was recognized as a Mover & Shaker by Library Journal for creating the Eating Disorders Information Gateway. She is now consulting informationist for ACUTE Denver Health and a medical librarian at MedStar Washington Hospital Center.

Milie has been volunteering in eating disorders advocacy since 2001 when she founded ANAD‘s annual National Candlelight Vigil. She served as Director of Social and Online Media on the board of the Academy for Eating Disorders and is a Fellow of the AED. She continues to volunteer with committees and task forces for the Academy. In 2023, she raised funds for The Alliance by hiking the tallest mountains in Scotland and Wales. She lives in Silver Spring, Maryland with two feline research assistants.

CLICK HERE to contact Millie.