Not One More 2021 | Center for Change

February 27, 2021

When I see the phrase “Not One More”, I admit that the first thing that comes to mind are questions. Can we really achieve the goal of “Not One More”? Especially as it pertains to mental health. So many people struggle with anxiety, depression, trauma, eating disorders, substance abuse, and other debilitating and life-threatening illnesses. How do we fix it and not just do damage control? How do we not get overwhelmed and frustrated? Is it idealism with no real plan in place? Why picture an idealistic world when that is not the one we were given? Why raise awareness if nothing ever changes?

I’ll tell you why.

Change starts with an ideal…an inspiration. Something stirs you. Moves you. You know what you want or what is needed and the way it typically ends up happening is that you take small steps to get there. To progress always takes a process. Don’t give up on progress because of the process it takes to get there.

When I look at the pillars that The Alliance builds its foundation upon, my vision for “Not One More” starts coming into focus. Help. Support. Recovery.

Not one more person with no Hope for Help, Support, Recovery.
Not one more person with no Opportunity for Help, Support, Recovery.
Not one more person with no Resources for Help, Support, Recovery.

To me, “Not One More” is the mission.
Help, Support, Recovery are the destination.
Hope, Opportunity, and Resources are the paths we take to accomplish the mission and reach the destination.

So how do we inspire? How do we act in a way that moves us toward change? How do we create hope, opportunity and resources?

I don’t know all the answers. But I do know that everyone deserves help. Everyone deserves support. Everyone deserves recovery. I am moved to action by these ideals by looking for ways that I can help move towards change. And it is big. It is overwhelming. It does seem futile at times. So I go back to the mission.

Not one more…with no hope. I can share hope by sharing my story of recovery. I can share hope by letting someone know they are not alone. I can share hope by listening.

Not one more…with no opportunity. I can support laws and programs that open doors for mental health access for all. I can give and donate towards scholarships and awareness programs.

Not one more….with no resources. It’s my job to know as much as I can about centers and hospitals and programs and providers and to share that with others. I can do my job! I can keep learning and fostering relationships and stay up to date on what’s available. I can go above and beyond whenever I can.

Look for ways to share hope, offer opportunities and provide resources. This is how raising awareness can make a difference. This is how “Not One More” takes flight and lands on Help, Support and Recovery. This is how “Not One More” goes from being just words to inspiration that leads to action….and that leads to change.

Krista Lample, M.Ed, has worked in the eating disorder treatment field since 1999.  She brings to Center for Change, not only her experience, but her passion for eating disorder awareness, spirit of collaboration & service, and strong commitment to being a resource to professionals needing treatment options for their clients. Krista has a Bachelor’s degree from Indiana University and a Master’s Degree in Education from Grand Canyon University. Originally from Indiana, Krista lives in Phoenix, Arizona, with her husband Sam. She is the President Elect of the Phoenix IAEDP chapter and in her free time enjoys reading, writing, travel, movies and football!