

The Definitive Guide to All Types of Eating Disorders

07/24/2023 | By

Did you know that nearly 30 million Americans experience an eating disorder in their lifetime? Eating disorders are health conditions

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Disordered Eating vs. Eating Disorders – What’s the Difference?

07/06/2023 | By

In a society that often places tremendous emphasis on appearance and body ideals, our relationship with food and eating can

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The Surprising History of Diet Culture

06/27/2023 | By

Despite all the messaging that tells us otherwise, health looks different in everybody. Unfortunately, diet culture has strong-armed society into

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6 Symptoms of Night Eating Syndrome

06/10/2023 | By

Many people have heard of eating disorders such as anorexia nervosa or bulimia nervosa, but an eating disorder can present

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What To Say to Someone With an Eating Disorder

05/21/2023 | By

Eating disorders affect both the person struggling and those around them. As a loved one, it makes sense to feel

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So, Let’s Talk About Eating Disorders In Men

05/10/2023 | By

Anyone can have an eating disorder. While conversations about eating disorders tend to focus on the significant social pressures women

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What Is an Eating Disorder Helpline?

04/14/2023 | By

At the National Alliance for Eating Disorders (“The Alliance”), our mission is to create better access to education, referrals, and

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Is Your Loved One Experiencing Atypical Anorexia? 6 Signs to Look Out For

03/24/2023 | By

Categorizing and labeling any eating disorder is a tricky subject. On one hand, having a clear diagnosis makes it easier

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What Is Inpatient Eating Disorder Treatment? 5 Things to Know

03/12/2023 | By

An eating disorder is a dangerous and potentially fatal mental health condition that should be treated by medical professionals. For

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Unaware About Eating Disorder Awareness Week? You’re Not Alone

02/22/2023 | By

Eating disorder awareness is one of the key pieces to preventing eating disorders and connecting those suffering with support. Though

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How to Better Understand the Confusing, Counterintuitive World of Orthorexia

02/06/2023 | By

Eating is an important factor in maintaining physical and mental well-being. However, a focus on “healthy eating” and nutrition can

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What Exactly Is Diabulimia?

01/21/2023 | By

Diabulimia is a serious eating disorder that is often overlooked. It is defined as the deliberate misuse of insulin among

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What is OSFED?

12/29/2022 | By

Many people struggle with eating disorders. Commonly understood diagnoses like anorexia nervosa or bulimia nervosa account for many cases of

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How to Recognize an Eating Disorder During the Holidays

11/28/2022 | By

The holidays are all about celebrating with loved ones. But, as they approach, anyone can get swept up in the

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8 Tips for Thriving During the Holidays With an Eating Disorder

11/25/2022 | By

The holiday season can be a joyful time filled with social gatherings, family traditions, and abundant food. However, for those

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