

Addressing the Connection Between Mood Disorders and Eating Disorders: Insights from Recent Research

07/19/2024 | By

Monte Nido’s most recent outcomes show that 85% of all clients had a co-occurring diagnosis of a mood, anxiety or

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Depression and Eating Disorders: The Connection Explained

07/17/2024 | By

Weight changes, fatigue and insomnia can be common signs of both depression and eating disorders. So, how can you figure

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What Is Body Dysmorphia and How Does it Relate to Eating Disorders?

07/11/2024 | By

Before Stacy Jones was diagnosed with an eating disorder, she struggled with a related but separate issue: body dysmorphia. Body

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Rethinking Exercise: Joyful Movement Is Possible in Eating Disorder Recovery

07/03/2024 | By

In our appearance-obsessed culture, exercise is often portrayed as a means to attain the “perfect” body, rather than a practice

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06/21/2024 | By

*CW* Mentions of eating disorder behaviors. Millions of people are hiding an eating disorder every day. Despite affecting nearly 29

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What Does a Dietitian Do?

06/14/2024 | By

The terms dietitian, nutritionist, and nutrition coach are often used interchangeably — but they are not the same. A dietitian,

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Coping with Summer Eating Disorder Triggers

06/03/2024 | By

Many eating disorder triggers tend to intensify around spring break and the summer months that follow. This poses significant challenges

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11 Subtle Signs of an Eating Disorder that Are Easy to Miss

05/20/2024 | By

A quick online search for “signs of an eating disorder” delivers you countless websites listing warning signs and common symptoms,

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Embracing Recovery: Facing Eating Disorders over Summer Break

05/06/2024 | By

As summer approaches, individuals struggling with eating disorders may experience an increase in anxiety. With summer comes holiday gatherings, a

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The Role of Body Positivity in Eating Disorder Treatment & Recovery

04/26/2024 | By

Our relationships with our bodies are deeply personal, constantly shifting and evolving throughout our lifetimes. If you have lived experience

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Eating Disorders and Autism: What You Need to Know

04/02/2024 | By

Note: In this blog, we use identity-first language (e.g., “an autistic individual”) to reflect those who embrace autism as an

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Breaking the Stigma: Understanding Binge Eating Disorder

03/28/2024 | By

What is Binge Eating Disorder (BED)? Binge eating disorder (BED) stands out as the most prevalent eating disorder in the

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CEDO’s Response to the Oprah Special: Shame, Blame and the Weight Loss Revolution

03/21/2024 | By

As the Collaborative of Eating Disorders (CEDO), we are extremely concerned about the lack of consideration for eating disorders in

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Not One More 2024 | The Renfrew Center

02/22/2024 | By

The Alliance’s call to action of Not One More is vital to allowing new awareness to emerge and grow. I

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Not One More 2024 | Reasons Eating Disorder Center

02/21/2024 | By

Not One More Day Without Care: A Call to End Weight Bias in Healthcare Seeking medical care should be a

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Not One More 2024 | Within Health

02/20/2024 | By

One in seven. One in five. 41.9 million. Males who experience an eating disorder by age 40. Females who experience

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Not One More 2024 | Equip

02/19/2024 | By

I remember the first time the word fat was used as an insult to me — kindergarten. Recklessly thrown at

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Not One More 2024 | Monte Nido & Affiliates

02/16/2024 | By

Monte Nido Strives for NOT ONE MORE Silent Struggle In our support of NOT ONE MORE Weekend this year, we

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